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Friday, March 13, 2015

A Blend of Darwinism and Creationism

Instead of asking the question, "Why are these scientists wasting their time on this study?" I think people could ask, "What have I done today to further our understanding of the world and its inhabitants?" Science is important to many people, it saves lives. Go forth and be vaccinated.

I am very weary of the anti-science/anti-god debate.

Here is a thought both sides can chew on and take however they want. I have even made it into a little story.


Once upon a time, there was a God of sorts. This God was the first of many multitaskers in the universe. God loved to do so many things. Some of God's hobbies even passed to the next generation. However, that is not for this story.

Now, over the course of time, God picked up these hobbies. Some of them God liked and continued, and others were shed in the same way animals shed at the end of the cold seasons. God's favorite hobby was something that God liked to call creating. God would take a little of this and a pinch of that and suddenly one day God realized there in the empty space where God stored the hobbies, there was a high-density Universe just sitting on the shelf.

God took the Universe out to study it further but suddenly there was a bit of a lab accident and the Universe unfolded all over the place, expanding and creating a ton of interesting things to see and study. God decided it was a good thing to happen, and selected one small section of the Universe to try out things. Tiny experiments added up and soon a stable environment was achieved, and there were giant creatures to watch.

God came back from a late dinner one day, and found an errant piece of rock in God's Universe had smashed into the experimental planet. The only thing to survive were the most distasteful or the most hidden creatures. God did not give up, however. God kept working, for God was firmly believing in hard work and never giving up.

Next, God worked to build something even better than the creatures. It took a lot of trial and error and God could see that the new project called Humanity was going to take a lot of work to perfect. First they had too much slouch, then too much hair. They couldn't even talk, for Heaven's sake! And this time, God really thought having someone to talk to would be rather nice.

Unfortunately, as Project Humanity developed, there seemed to be something dramatically wrong with their communication skills. Not all of them could Speak to Ascended beings such as God... and those that could had a tendency to misinterpret what God would say.

God told some of the Humans about how the world they lived on came to be. Perhaps it was God's accent, or perhaps it was merely a translation issue... Perhaps it was even because the Humans at the time were writing by hand, but all that God spoke was not actually written down. Good gracious, some of those Humans even wrote on stone. However, so much of what God said was summarized.

At the time, it really didn't matter that it was summarized. Ascended beings haven't much use for clocks or measures of time because they are incapable of dying.

However, over time, the Humans began to model themselves after God. They began picking up hobbies left and right. Perhaps not all of them had quite as many as God. But a few of them chose to mimic God's hobby creating. Only, the Humans called it science. At that point, God was an ascended being with a whole Universe to look after, so God began to delegate to the smart little bipedal creatures.

The arrangement was really mutually beneficial.


I don't deny any religion, or non-religion, or anti-religion. I believe that belief is powerful, hard work is more so, and that there are lessons that are easily valued and can be learned from any of the good billions of books in the world. I respect belief choices, and as such, I ask that you respect mine.

But the problem with that respect is, where do we draw the line? How do we draw the line? And where is this anti-vaccination wave coming from?

Science is quantifiable, however, and we see the efforts of it every day as we lay out our meal on the table. You followed a recipe to make your meal, and that is equal parts science, math, and hard work.

We scientifically engineer crops or other things to make our daily lives easier. If you are going to denounce science for the sake of it being science and not religion, don't come to me about it. I believe in the hard work of scientists. There, I said it. I have now been officially outed as a SCIENCE BELIEVER. We'll see how many people read this far down to know what the whole post was...

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked this... and if you didn't, I'm sure you'll tell me so.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Here are my thoughts on the matter:

    To me, science is all about questioning and taking nothing at face value, at its truest. It is about experimenting and getting things wrong 99.7 times out of 100. It is about disproving old theories and creating new ones.

    Religion, on the other hand, is about belief without proof. Accepting that there is something more out there, something that on our level we just can't understand yet if ever. It has been at the heart of some of humanity's darkest moments and the inspiration for some of our greatest glories.

    But then, so has science. Science has its dark side too-in the pursuit of knowledge, some people don't care what the cost might be. And before you jump on the latest science fad in the news you have to remember that what the news cares about is sensationalism, stirring controversy and getting more people excited about the current subject to get more viewers/readers. That is literally how they make money.

    So be calm. Do whatever research you feel is necessary before you get the latest shot. Science cannot explain everything, and the odds are it will be a long time if ever before it will. Science cannot prove that there is no God, no higher being or consciousness. Religion, at its best, can fill in the gaps, the unknown. It can be our soul. But religion without question or wonder is just as bad as science with no heart. If you use religion as a crutch, as a reason to hate, to discriminate, to take what you know as absolute, then you might as well be a snail.

    I mean really. We live in a world with some many amazing things, so much variety, so much to discover and learn. If you're just going to go around believing in only what you've been taught, talking to the right people, doing the right things, how is that honoring the life we've been given, the minds and bodies we possess? To be human is to innovate, is to learn and grow and explore. How incredible is the human body? Just the act of living, how we can do what we do, what is involved, is mind boggling! And there is so much more.

    So why not find the sacred in science? Why not consider that there are just some things we might not ever be able to quantify? Why should believing in whatever you will from a one true god to a flying spaghetti monster mean you can't get a vaccine? All I can say is celebrate the reality and the unknown. Celebrate being human. Because what we have, what we are, is amazing and has so much potential. Let's not squander it by living a life that equates to being a human snail.
