Monday, June 16, 2014

Quickies, One-Night-Stands, and Friends With Benefits

Okay, that got your attention didn't it? Anything with "intercourse" or "death" in the title tends to be an attention grabber. Game of Thrones, for instance, would probably have an even larger audience if they called it, Game of Everybody Has Sex and Then Dies. But we're not here so you can read about Game of STDs. We're here because of exactly what the title of the blog post is: Quickies, One-Night Stands, and Friends with Benefits. 

Relationships are hard. It's easy to find someone you like. Crushes are easy to have. Yes, there's that nagging feeling of, "Oh, I wish they felt the same," or "Perhaps they feel the same and they're just waiting for me," or maybe even "OMG, what if I say I like them, and they call the police and get a restraining order on me?!"

Relationships, I will repeat for emphasis, are the real hard part. And lately... with everything at the click of a button, phones constantly in user's hands (handbag and pocket dials might soon become obsolete), stores shipping directly to your door, burgers made your way... We've all been trained to think we can have everything we want exactly when we want it and how we want it, or our money back - guaranteed

I do not claim to know much... but I watch and I listen and I learn. And since we have everything so available to us, that translates into our dating lives. People will argue against my opinion on this, but that's ok, since that's their opinion. I believe that having everything so available and not having to work for pretty much anything any more makes it so that we in our relationships think we don't have to go through the simple act of courting. Couple of drinks and poof... Instant gratification without hardly any effort.

Recently I had the honor of being told by someone that they couldn't date me because they had to get their life in order. That's reasonable, I'll agree. One week later, after not talking to me at all, the same person asked why I stopped talking to them and later in the conversation told me, "I prefer to be friends with more and more and eventually more". 

I was completely thrown by this. I'm not good enough to date, but he'll be my friend with benefits. I guess I just don't truly understand how anyone could ask that. It was like saying, "You're good enough to have intercourse with, but I don't want to make any effort."

One-Night Stands I can't understand either. If you're in a relationship, theoretically, you have a goal you're working toward. You can't have your cake and eat it too. 

Women and men are not seen the same way if they fall into the whole disastrous area of sexual acts without a relationship. Sometimes, even if women have a relationship at the time, they're still viewed negatively. Men, on the other hand, are viewed in a more positive way among their peers if they have had multiple partners. Is it right? No, it really isn't. 

Not everything is on-demand like Charter or Netflix or Amazon TV. You have to work hard to stay in love, and you have to work hard to keep the love of someone else. We've begun to fear commitment, or to take commitment lightly as divorces increase. There's nothing wrong with being partners for life without getting married, but I believe the minute you get married you need to put effort into it.

And it all comes back to how the relationship starts. Life is not a game or a movie. There's no rewind or restart button if you make a mistake. If you want to love someone, or to be loved by someone, respect yourself first. Love yourself by not allowing someone to order you as if you were some kind of meal through the drive-through at McDonald's. You are not a cheap toy to be had and thrown away when broken. 

And if you're one of the ones who thinks love is a cheap toy......

I believe that people need to start taking relationships seriously or don't have them at all. A relationship needs to be worked at, not some cheap night after cheap beer at a bar, or an attempt at keeping the illusion of being platonic, or a quickie in a closet after too much tequila. Don't settle for the first person who shows a mild to moderate amount of interest. Settle for someone who respects you and your reputation. 

©2014 Jaimie Gross


  1. I would counter this by saying "do what makes you happy." Not everyone needs or wants to be in a committed relationship. The important thing is to make sure that everyone is on the same page from the get-go. Open communication is necessary.

    The double standard for men and women is terrible, but the change has to start somewhere. If a girl decides to have multiple partners in her life, that is her business and nothing she should be ashamed of. But unless it is a one-night stand, I would say that every type of relationship (no matter how fleeting it is) requires people to put effort into it. Not just when you get married.

  2. Yes, that's very true. You shouldn't be ashamed to be who you are. Everyone definitely needs to be on the same page.

  3. You don't need to be ashamed if you choose to live that way. I guess what I am having issue with is the assumption that I live that way. Not everyone is the same and for someone essentially strange to me to joke about having quickies and saying he would be FWBs kind of got to me. I'm seeing more and more evidence of unfaithfulness in relations at the factory and it is disheartening. So no, a mutually desired relation is fine. But people seem to get married and divorced fast too.

    1. I hear you on that. If a situation is going to be FWB it needs to be defined. He could have handled that so much better. "I'm not interested/ready for a relationship right now. If you're open to a FWB type of thing, I could go for that." Again back to that communication thing. And asking rather than assuming.
