Why the heck are people slamming female super heroes like they're sluts for having flirted or spent time with male super heroes? This post is about Black Widow and Iron Man, and the recent issues of Jeremy Renner calling Black Widow a slut. And it's also about ranting.
Let me break this down for you, really slow, so that there's no misunderstanding...
And since I wrote that in capslock, on the internet, you know I'm not only telling the truth, but I know what I'm talking about.
It shouldn't matter whether someone's genitals are on the inside or the outside. A man's masculinity should not be based on the number of conquests he has. Now, we all know Iron Man has had many women in his bed. He likes women. He's a bajillionaire with a corporation that makes him a quadrillionaire who can fly around in suits and - oh, by the way, announce on the news that he's Iron Man, and no one cares that he's done a ton of damage to the city to save the world... since they know who he is, wouldn't it be nice if he perhaps got a bill in the mail saying, "Hey, we appreciate your efforts here today, but you need to repair the city and serve x-amount of years for destruction of public and private property."
Black Widow as a super hero is a pretty awesome character. Going off her abilities alone (most of them are purely based on determination, hard work, extreme amounts of dedication to a task... with a few biotechnological things that only enhance what abilities she has that are not SUPER powers) she's like the female version of Neo from the Matrix. Except she has to deal with a monthly visit from Aunt Irma, maternity clothes if she gets pregnant, and a severely male dominated work environment.
Doesn't that make it seem like she deserves some credit? Especially for not leaving any DNA evidence when she's fighting a bad guy and Aunt Irma pays her a surprise visit a day early? She has bad guys to flush out. She doesn't just say, "Oh, sorry boss... I'm cramping like nobody's business, weeping into a pillow, and eating chocolate ice cream and pickles. I can't come to work today."
Black Widow is a major role model for all girls everywhere, because she's cool, confident in herself, intelligent, crafty, deadly, feminine, good... She's like a one-woman army, so why is it we can't have a movie about her saving the day? Scarlett Johansson plays her marvelously (see what I did there?) so let's have a Black Widow movie....
Do you like this? Agree with this? Disagree? Tell me what you think in the comments below!!
Honestly, I do not see how anyone could disagree with there being a Black Widow movie. Except, you know, the people who write the checks to get these things going. They need to wise up.